Multiple-Choice Items:
Choose the best answer for each question.
- Which resource would be best for finding the number of syllables in a word?
- atlas
- dictionary
- encyclopedia
- Which resource would be best for finding how airplanes fly?
- atlas
- dictionary
- encyclopedia
3. How do text features help readers create meaning from text?
A They help the reader tell if the text is reliable.
B They clarify and add information for the reader.
C They improve understanding by keeping the reader on track.
Multiple-Choice Answer Key:
1. B, 2. C, 3. B
Short-Answer Item:
Use an encyclopedia. Choose a topic and write three supporting details about the topic.
Short-Answer Key:
A whale is a huge animal that looks like a fish.
Whales are mammals.
A whale breathes through a blowhole out of the top of its head.
Short-answer Scoring Rubric:
Student correctly states three supporting details about a topic.
Student correctly states two supporting details about a topic.
Student correctly states one supporting detail about a topic.
Student does not state any supporting details about a topic or does not attempt to answer the question.
Performance Assessment:
Say, “Your class has been asked by a publishing company to create a resource about plants. Each of you will be assigned a word that has to do with plants. Your job is to create a dictionary entry or an encyclopedia entry for your word. Make sure that what you create is written in your own words, not copied right from a book. Also, make sure that the resource entry you write has all of the text features that type of resource should contain.”
Provide each student with a word related to plants, such as leaf, evergreen, root, soil, shrub, pine, or tulip, and the following list of text features for students to use as a guide:
- Dictionary: spelling, pronunciation, syllables, definition
- Encyclopedia: title, one or more paragraphs with facts
Performance Assessment Scoring Rubric:
Student completes the performance task by accurately including all of the requirements for the chosen resource.
Student completes the performance task by accurately including most of the requirements for the chosen resource.
Student completes the performance task by accurately including some of the requirements for the chosen resource.
Student completes the performance task by accurately including few of the requirements for the chosen resource.
Student demonstrates a lack of understanding of the task or makes no attempt to complete the performance task.